
by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago

Just got off the phone with my lender(Mr.Cooper) and my officer talked to me about an upcoming change where commercial loans can use crypto assets as proof of wealth. My officer knows how much crypto I own, this translates to, the financial world is going

Some might be asking why is this important. There is a difference between trading crypto, selling crypto, even using crypto in their systems, all different from crypto being on record as a bookmark for assets as proof of wealth. My loan officer had m...

by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago

Just got off the phone with my lender(Mr.Cooper) and my officer talked to me about an upcoming change where commercial loans can use crypto assets as proof of wealth. My officer knows how much crypto I own, this translates to, the financial world is going

Some might be asking why is this important. There is a difference between trading crypto, selling crypto, even using crypto in their systems, all different from crypto being on record as a bookmark for assets as proof of wealth. My loan officer had m...

by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago

Just got off the phone with my lender(Mr.Cooper) and my officer talked to me about an upcoming change where commercial loans can use crypto assets as proof of wealth. My officer knows how much crypto I own, this translates to, the financial world is going

Some might be asking why is this important. There is a difference between trading crypto, selling crypto, even using crypto in their systems, all different from crypto being on record as a bookmark for assets as proof of wealth. My loan officer had m...

More / Bitcoin Reddit - 3 years ago

The fundamentals are stronger than ever.

Blocks are still getting mined. Transactions are still getting verified. The network is still performing. Sure, a lot of Bitcoin mining is currently located in China. The great thing about Bitcoin is that people around the world all have incentive to...

More / Etherum Reddit - 3 years ago

Include input data in a transaction

As you know Vitalik recently burned his $SHIB holdings and left a message in the transaction. (see input data in screenshot) link to transaction: In all...

More / Bitcoin Reddit - 3 years ago

It’s not so easy to defeat bitcoin

Btc has been tested time and again throughout the years. It has endured every insult, every attempt to destroy it, and it has won every battle thrown at it so far. It will take a lot more to subdue this beast of a currency. Everything is insignifican...

More / Etherum Reddit - 3 years ago

Kraken eth staked, different prices

Hello all, has anyone noticed if the price of eth is different between their account balance and posted price on their mobile app and price tab on the website For example account balance is 3146.98 usd Price tab 3465.72 Mobile app 3466.87 It shows t...