
by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago

Panic Sellers Anonymous

It’s a safe space, and in times like these we need to be honest with ourselves and each other. I’ll go first. I’m The Good Rooster and I’m a panic seller. I sold bitcoin during a correction at 8k. I sold Ethereum during a major correction at 900 a...

More / Etherum Reddit - 3 years ago

Ropsten Testnet Question

I'm trying to deploy a contract to the Ropsten Testnet, but it's taking quite a long time (10 mins so far). Is that normal to wait to see the confirmation? submitted by /u/tripper21 [link] [comments]

by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago

Daily Discussion - May 14, 2021 (GMT+0)

Welcome to the Daily Discussion. Please read the disclaimer, guidelines, and rules before participating. Disclaimer: Though karma rules still apply, moderation is less stringent on this thread than on the rest of the sub. Therefore, consider all in...

More / Etherum Reddit - 3 years ago

Grateful for this sub.

After lurking other crypto-related subs (rather not mention them), all I can say is that I’m grateful to have this subreddit. While not completely free of crap, the posts and discussions here are typically thoughtful and educational. That is all. &#...

by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago

Cryptocurrency isn’t a game…

I hate what is happening at the moment, and the blatant market manipulation by a certain someone causing mass hysteria. People are treating this whole scene like it’s a game. These actions have caused thousands of people to lose ridiculous amounts of...

by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago

New Coinbase Earn crypto quiz for SKL.

There is a new quiz to earn $3 for Skale, or SKL on coinbase. If you are on the wait list, I joined about a month or so ago? On the app and was on a waitlist, when I went to the actual website it let me do the quizzes and earn the free crypto (I kno...

More / Bitcoin Reddit - 3 years ago

Real believers

I love these moments of FUD cause they show people that really believes in the Bitcoin idea. I just bought a little more to add to my pile and I will be soon a proud owner of a a full Bitcoin???????? submitted by /u/emilioermeio [link...

More / Bitcoin Reddit - 3 years ago

Multi-pronged Attack

So...Musk rattles the coin, SEC makes statements about delaying etf, Binance gets looked into by feds and to top it off “In the know and on the Take” Gasparino says regulators looking into energy use None of this is a coincidence. Years of trading le...