News about Fiat

Cryptocoins Exchanges / Binance - 3 years ago

How you get BNB to Fiat

Not that fiat is good or anything but I’m curious to how you guys would go upon getting BNB to fiat so I can pay rent or bills. It’s easy to get fiat to crypto but how does it work the other way? I’ve never done it submitted by /u/Fuckt...

More / Bitcoin Reddit - 3 years ago

Run with Bitcoin. 400 days, 40 countries. No FIAT.

Namaste Bitcoin Family, My name is Paco, and I am crazy enough to want to travel to 40 countries in 400 days, only with Bitcoin. Bear with me please, here’s why. I am a self-motivated traveler and I have been couch-surfing for the last 6 years. In 20...

More / Bitcoin Reddit - 3 years ago

Crypto market is in a bubble, property market is in a bubble, stock market is in a bubble, inflation is high.... here's a thought.. maybe everything is fine and it's just that governments have printed the fuck out of fiat.

All over the news... Bubble here, bubble there... Bubbles everywhere. Not really sure what some people expected after governments keeping interest rates at historic lows while printing trillions of fiat stimulus. What else was going to happen? What&...

by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago

Crypto has no top, because fiat has no bottom.

And when I say this I mostly target Bitcoin. It’s easy to realize that money is printed to oblivion every passing year, inflation is real, and many experts suggest that hyperinflation is just around the corner. 20$ would get you much more stuff 5 yea...

by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago

Portfolio to fiat without major exchange

I know a guy who knows a guy who had some luck with an alt and is thinking about taking the gains. Its 4x a decent input and while not wife changing its decently life helping. Let's say one was to sell out their bag, convert it all to a privacy t...

More / Bitcoin Reddit - 3 years ago

Fiat VS Bitcoin Standard: - "The top 10,000 individual investors in Bitcoin control about one-third of the cryptocurrency in circulation" VS - "The 62 people who are as wealthy as the poorest half of humanity combined"

Links to the articles: Bitcoin Is Still Concentrated in a Few Hands, Study Finds - The 62 people who are as wealthy as the poorest half of humanity combined -

More / Etherum Reddit - 3 years ago

How to turn DAI into fiat?

I have some DAI tokens in my wallet, but I don't know how to convert them into fiat. When I try to convert to ETH it asks for a large fee. Does anyone know what my opotions are? Thank you! submitted by /u/FouriusVixen [link] ...