News about Uniswap

More / Etherum Reddit - 8 months ago

USDC and USDC.e equivalent on Uniswap?

I am looking to provide liquidity to the ETH/USDC pool on Arbitrum. Currently, I have ETH and USDC.e in my Arbitrum wallet. The USDC.e if the result of bridging ETH from Ethereum mainnet to Arbitrum. If I provide liquidity of ETH/USDC.e, will it be...

by COINS NEWS - 9 months ago

Uniswap has just delisted HEX from trading in its app

As Richard and his scam empire continues to fall, Uniswap has just come in and decided to stop any trading of HEX tokens within its app. People are now targeting Uniswap for not being decentralized because they can choose which tokens are allow...